Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What Is Potassium Chloride?

I bought a "healthy" frozen meal and everything in it seemed natural until
I read the ingredient potassium chloride.

According to WebMD, potassium chloride is a medication and it's a min-
eral supplement used to treat or prevent low amounts of potassium in the

On npr.org in the article Lethal Injection Drugs' Efficacy And Availability
For Federal Executions, it is explained how potassium chloride is a part of
the "three-drug cocktail" used in lethal injections.

Encyclopedia.com says that all major sources of potassium chloride have
their original origin in sea water. The website also lists potassium chloride
as a mixture of potassium and chlorine.

After researching potassium chloride, I'm still a little nervous about eating
it, so I'll probably try to avoid it.